

VOLUME 13 (i-ii) 2024


Articoli e NotePapers  & Notes 

- Sull'estinzione dell'Aquila di Bonelli Aquila fasciata in Sardegna. Marcello Grussu, Paolo Griva, Domenico Ruiu & Gianni Sirigu
First breeding record of Northern Raven Corvus corax on a house in Corsica (France). Joseph Piacentini & Jean-Claude Thibault   
- Breeding record of Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus roseus on San Pietro Island, Sardinia (Italy). Sebastian Ludwig
- Censimento invernale di Nibbio reale Milvus milvus e Nibbio bruno Milvus migrans in Sardegna. 2020-2024. Federico Nurchi, Barbara Meloni, Pepe Peralta, Giuseppe Puggioni & Marcello Grussu
La riproduzione del Grifone Gyps fulvus in Sardegna. Periodo 2022-2023. Alfonso Campus

Aquila anatraia minore Clanga pomarina. Gianluca Doa & Antonello Lai

Recensioni/ Reviews

Foto di copertina/ Cover photograph:  Cinciarella Cyanister caeruleus ogliastrae (Hartert, 1905). Sassari, 21 Agosto 2017./ Eurasian Blue Tit of subspecies ogliastrae. Sassari, 21th August 2017 (Oscar Mura).

Bonelli's Eagle


Marcello Grussu*, Paolo Griva, Domenico Ruiu & Gianni Sirigu
About the extinction of Bonelli's Eagle in Sardinia (Italy).
The first data on the presence of Bonelli's eagle in Sardinia date back to 1822, when the naturalist De La Marmora collected a few individuals in the surroundings areas of Cagliari, which allowed the description of the species. Throughout the 19th century the species was indicated as common and widespread with a probable presence of a few hundred pairs; but soon afterwards there was a rapid decline in the population. In 1976, 10-20 pairs were estimated, by the mid-1980s breeding was considered doubtful and by the end of the century, Bonelli's Eagle was reported extinct. But knowledge has always been scarce and studies on the species are lacking. To compensate for these gaps in knowledge, we reconstructed the distribution and occurrence of Bonelli's Eagle in Sardinia from the 19th century to extinction. For the historical analysis, we used the bibliography and specimens in the ornithological collections; for the recent period, the data collected in our research. In the Museums there are 109 Bonelli's eagles collected in Sardinia during the period 1822-1939. The geographical localisation of these specimens shows..............(continued)(* porphyrio@tiscali.it)

Former Bonelli's Eagle nest in the Gennargentu Mountains near Aritzo (Domenico Ruiu)

Joseph Piacentini & Jean-Claude Thibault*
First breeding record of Northern Raven on a house in Corsica (France).
In the spring of 2023 a Northern Raven nest with three eggs was found on an abandonned farm on the countryside of the Agriate Region. This is the first case of its type for the island, where nesting of the species generally takes place on rocky cliffs, occasionally in trees. (*jncldthibault@aol.com) 
Northern Raven

Sebastian Ludwig
Breeding record of  the Greater Flamingo on San Pietro Island, Sardinia (Italy).
On 30th May 2023, in the salt pans of Carloforte (San Pietro Island, South western Sardinia), a nestling of Greater Flamingo was observed being cared for by an adult. There were about 60 Greater Flamingos in the wetland at the time of the observation, but no other young or nests of the species. This is the first record of the reproduction of the species in this area of Sardinia.

Carloforte salt pans with the city in the background (Luciano Durante)

Federico Nurchi*, Barbara Meloni, Pepe Peralta, Giuseppe Puggioni & Marcello Grussu
Winter census of Red Kite and Black Kite in Sardinia: 2020-2024.
Official winter censuses of the Red Kite and Black Kite were carried out in January of each year, but data on the wider presence were collected in the November-February period. The winter range of the two species extends over about 12,000 km2 in the central-western and northern part of the Island, with the presence of Black Kite localised in the western and southern peripheral areas. The Red Kite population in these winters has fluctuated between 46 and 112 birds, that of the Black Kite between zero and three birds, distributed in 4-5 roosts on trees (Quercus sp., Populus alba, Pinus sp. and Eucalyptus sp.) in the central part of the range. However, the research has revealed a larger actual population of Red kites, with around 100 individuals in winters 2020-21 and 2022-23, and more than 120 in the winter of 2023-24. This is a much larger population than the known resident numbers (20-25 pairs), suggesting a recent increase in the breeding population in Sardinia, or a mass winter migration from nearby Corsica (7 km), where there are over 270 pairs. (*gos.it@tiscali.it) 

                                           Red Kite in north west Sardinia (Pier Luigi Medda)

                      Griffon Vultures in northern Sardinia (Oscar Mura, www.wildlifefoto.it)

Gianluca Doa & Antonello Lai
PhotoSpot: Lesser Spotted Eagle Clanga pomarina.