VOLUME 9 (I-II) 2009
Articoli e Note/ Papers
& Notes
- La stazione di inanellamento di Capo Spartivento (Sardegna): attività 2001-2009. Luca Biddau & Gianpaolo Ruzzante
- La stazione di inanellamento di Capo Spartivento (Sardegna): attività 2001-2009. Luca Biddau & Gianpaolo Ruzzante
- The reproduction of the Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus roseus in Algeria in 2005 and 2006. Farrah Samraoui, Mouloud Boulkhssaïm & Boudjéma Samraoui
- Sulla nidificazione del Gipeto Gypaetus
barbatus in Sardegna. Marcello Grussu, Vittorio Asuni, Antonio Fadda, Maurizio Medda
& Mario Pappacoda
- Rilevanti
presenze invernali di Piro piro boschereccio Tringa glareola e Gambecchio nano Calidris temminckii in Sardegna. Francesco Mascia
- Le
Corbeau freux Corvus frugilegus en
Corse (France). Gilles Bonaccorsi & Jean-François Seguin
- On the origin of Common Crossbills Loxia
curvirostra invading Sardinia. Marc I. Förschler
- Prima
osservazione di Rondone cafro Apus caffer
in Sardegna. Martin Berg & Marten Wikström
Notizie Kalarighes / Kalarighes News
riproduzione del Grifone Gyps fulvus
in Sardegna nel periodo 2007-09. Alfonso Campus
Progetti e Ricerche/ Projects and Researches
- Il progetto di reintroduzione del
Gipeto Gypaetus barbatus in Sardegna. Paolo Fasce & Laura Fasce
- Il
viaggio di Júlia in Sardegna. Màtyàs Prommer
Sparviero Accipiter nisus wolterstorffi. Gianni Conca
Recensioni/ Reviews
Foto di copertina/ Cover photograph: Individuo adulto
di Grifone Gyps fulvus nella costa
occidentale della Sardegna; dicembre 2006. /Adult
Griffon Vulture. Western coast of Sardinia; December 2006 (Gianfranco Mattu).
Luca Biddau* & Gianpaolo Ruzzante
Activity of the ringing station of Capo Spartivento (Sardinia) in the period 2001-2009.
Activity of the ringing station of Capo Spartivento (Sardinia) in the period 2001-2009.
The paper reports the
results of the first nine years of activity of the ringing station of Capo
Spartivento (38°53’ N – 08°51’E) (Domus de Maria, Cagliari, Italy). A total
number of 10,676 birds and 64 species were trapped during the study (including
2,442 retrapped birds), with a yearly average of 1,186.2 and 38.8,
respectively. The most common species were the Robin (overwintering) and the
Sardinian warbler (breeding and dispersal during summer), and secondarily the
European Greenfinch (resident), Sardinian warbler (resident) and Blackcap
(Palearctic migrant). In order to evaluate the differences the community
structure during the year, we subdivided the 12 months period into six
phenology classes (wintering, two pre-reproductive, breeding, two post-reproductive
periods). The dominant and sub-dominant species of each period were quantified.(*biddau@yahoo.com)
Farrah Samraoui*, Mouloud Boulkhssaïm & Boudjéma Samraoui
The reproduction of the Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus roseus in Algeria in 2005 and 2006.
The reproduction of the Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus roseus in Algeria in 2005 and 2006.
The western Mediterranean
population of the Greater Flamingo is structured as a metapopulation with a
relatively small number of breeding colonies. North Africa has traditionally
been perceived as a wintering ground or a kind of "crèche" for
immature birds. Starting from 2002,
a systematic survey of the wetlands complex of the
Algerian Hauts Plateaux revealed an important wintering and aestivating
population of greater flamingos (30,000 + birds). More search led to the
discovery of a breeding colony at Garaet Ezzemoul. Protective measures ensured
the successful reproduction of the Greater Flamingo, the first so far recorded
in Algeria, in 2005 (6,000 pairs) and 2006 (4,750 pairs). In August 2006, a total of 208 chicks
were banded and their movements monitored across the Mediterranean Basin.
Preliminary data have revealed extensive exchange between the Ezzemoul and
European colonies and dispersal of some Algerian chicks to Europe. The future
of the Ezzemoul colony, like its counterparts in the western Mediterranean, is
however far from secure being especially threatened by human disturbance,
hydrological changes and habitat loss. (*Laboratoire de
Recherche des Zones Humides, Département de Biologie, Université de Guelma,
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Flamingos at Garaet Ezzemoul, July 2005 (Boudjéma Samraoui)
Grussu*, Vittorio Asuni, Antonio Fadda, Maurizio Medda & Mario Pappacoda
On the breeding of Bearded Vulture in Sardinia.
On the breeding of Bearded Vulture in Sardinia.
We report the data concerning
a nest of Bearded Vulture in the Codula di Luna valley/ Urzulei (Sardinia),
occupied by the species in 1926 and rediscovered in 2005. The photos of the
individuals (adult and juvenile) at nest, taken in 1926 by the Swiss naturalist
Carl Stemmler, are the only photographical evidence of the species breeding in
Sardinia, as well as the first one related to the Italian autochthonous
population. It is an unusual nest, as it is placed in the lower third of a wall
at 4.5 m from the ground level and at a height of 600 m above sea level;
whereas in the Western Palearctic region the species usually breeds at a great
altitude and anyway at least at 10 m from the ground and 700 m above sea level.
Moreover, the nest from Urzulei is exposed to potential predatory mammals. The
use of this particular nest, despite the near presence of alternative breeding
sites, could be explained by especially favorable conditions of the breeding
area, such as shelter from the prevailing winds and other inclemency of the
weather or the relative peace of the site.(*porphyrio@tiscali.it)
Francesco Mascia
Notable winter records of Wood Sandpiper and Temminck’s Stint in Sardinia.
Notable winter records of Wood Sandpiper and Temminck’s Stint in Sardinia.
Wintering presence of Wood
Sandpiper and Temminck’s Stint have been recorded during the winters 2004-05
and 2005-06 in Southern Sardinia, Italy, where single or small flocks of up to
three (Wood Sandpiper) and five (Temminck’s Stint) individuals have been
recorded in the in Santa Gilla Lagoon. This data represent an interesting
record for the island, where single and single-two wintering individuals of the
two species, respectively, were irregularly recorded in the past. (fr.maxia@gmail.com)
Wood Sandpiper, Sardinia (Roberto Meloni) |
Gilles Bonaccorsi*
& Jean-François Seguin
The Rook in Corsica (France).
The Rook in Corsica (France).
The Rook was never recorded since 1960 in Corsica
(Mediterranean France). But, a wild individual, was watched in December 2003.
This record was obtained in the context of a partial extend of this species in
Southern Europe, but is still the first to the beginning of 2009. We indicate
also the other hypothesis that can explain such record.(*Résidence Aizo di Sole, Bat. E - Aspretto - F-20090 Ajaccio, France)
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Marc I. Förschler *
On the origin of Common Crossbills Loxia curvirostra invading Sardinia.
On the origin of Common Crossbills Loxia curvirostra invading Sardinia.
In spring 2003, I discovered in
two mountain ranges (Monte Limbara/ Monte Masiénnera, North Sardinia) larger
groups of crossbills. It seems highly likely that some of them were also breeding
in this year. An analyse of their vocalisations revealed that these crossbills
came originally not from Corsica, but from the European mainland.(*Institute of Avian Research, “Vogelwarte Helgoland“, An der Vogelwarte
21 - 26386 Wilhelmshaven /Germania)
Berg *& Mårten Wikström
First record of White-rumped Swift in Sardinia.
First record of White-rumped Swift in Sardinia.
An individual of
White-rumped Swift was observed on June 21st 2008 in northwestern Sardinia near
Bosa. It is the first record in Sardinia. Discussion follows about
identification and distribution of this species in the Western Palearctic
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White-rumped Swift (Bruno Caula) |