
                          VOLUME 6 (I-II) 2003

Articoli e Note/ Papers & Notes
- Deposizioni precoci dell'Aquila reale Aquila chrysaetos in Sardegna.Vittorio Asuni, Antonio Fadda & Maurizio Medda
- Presenza invernale di Rondine rossiccia Hirundo daurica nella Regione Paleartica occidentale. Francesco Mascia
- Prima riproduzione di Cicogna bianca Ciconia ciconia in Sardegna. Marcello Grussu & Gruppo Ornitologico Sardo
- Un’altra prova di nidificazione del Crociere Loxia curvirostra in Sardegna. Marcello Grussu & Vittorio Asuni

Recenti avvistamenti/ Recent records around the Region
Periodo: gennaio – dicembre 2002 / January - December 2002. A cura di Marcello Grussu

Bibliografia ornitologica sarda/Recent Literature. Attilio Mocci Demartis

Progetti e Ricerche/ Projects and Researches
- 11th Pan African Ornithological Congress (Tunisia, 20-25 November 2004). Les Amis des Oiseaux (AAO)

E' nato il Gruppo Italiano Civette. Gruppo Italiano Civettta (GIC)

Conference on oil pollution and conservation of biodiversity (October 2002; Asinara island, Sardinia)

Recensioni/ Reviews

Foto di copertina/ Cover photograph: Gabbiano corso Larus audouinii in colonia. Isola di Molara, Sardegna. Giugno 1992./ Colony of Audouin’s Gull. Molara islet, Sardinia. June 1992 (Mauro Sanna).

 Golden Eagle  (Alessandro Alberton)


Vittorio Asuni*, Antonio Fadda & Maurizio Medda
Early laying of Golden Eagle in Sardinia (Italy).
On 24 February 2002 we observed that in the south east of Sardinia (province of Cagliari) a Golden Eagle pair had already laid two eggs. The event is to be considered precocious for both Sardinian pairs (which usually lay eggs from the last week of February to the end of March) and those observed in the remainder of the Italian territory, where the laying period ranges from mid March to the beginning of April. Certainly, among the surveyed pairs in the province of Cagliari, the observed pair is the only one laying eggs in February. Some ecological parameters such as latitude and altitude were taken into consideration, but no direct correlation was found to justify an earlier laying than that of other known pairs. We can therefore infer that the reason for such an earlier laying is to be found in a physiological feature of the pair, instead of an adaptation to special environmental conditions.(*Via Pergolesi 19 - 09048 Sinnai/ Cagliari)

Francesco Mascia
Winter presence of the Red-rumped Swallow in the Western Palearctic.
An immature individual of Red-rumped swallow was observed from 18th to 25yh December 2001 in the lagoon of Santa Gilla / Elmas (Southern Sardinia). In the Western Palaearctic area the species is a summer visitor; its winter presence occurs rarely but  regularly in Israel and occasionally, with single individuals, in North Africa (Morocco, Tunisia) and Spain. This record in Sardinia was the first in Italy and  the only one supplied with documentary evidence of a prolonged winter stay of the species in the whole Palaearctic area.(Via Salomone 32 - 09030 Elmas. Cagliari)

Marcello Grussu & Gruppo Ornitologico Sardo
First successful breeding of the White Stork in Sardinia.
In 2002 a pair of White Stork bred  in the north of the island in the area of Surigheddu / Alghero  (Sassari)  raising 3 chicks to flying stage. The laying of eggs took place in the first two weeks of April and the chicks took wing around July 15th. It is the first successful case of breeding of the species in Sardinia, where in the past several summering individuals were seen and, in the period 1988-1993, some breeding attempts were made. Besides, in 1993 a pair laid eggs, which however did not hatch. Again in 2002, further 3-4 individuals of White Stork summered in northern Sardinia. (gos.it@tiscali.it)

Marcello Grussu* & Vittorio Asuni
New breeding record of Common Crossbill in Sardinia.
In summer 2002 several groups of Common Crossbill were observed in the south of Sardinia. A small group stopped for a while in the lower valley of the Riu Solanas/ Castiadas (Gulf of Cagliari). From the second half of July the occurring individuals showed different behaviours, like a singing male on a nest, young individuals fed by adults and the finding of a possible nest visited by the male: all these facts point to the breeding in this site of a couple on a pine tree. This is the second breeding record of this species in Sardinia. The only previous evidence in the city of Cagliari goes back to 1910.(*gos.it@tiscali.it)

White Stork (Piero Basoccu)

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