VOLUME 4 (I-II) 2001
Articoli e Note/ Papers
& Notes
- Checklist of the
birds of Sardinia. Updated to December 2001. Marcello Grussu
Muta e biometria dell’Occhiocotto Sylvia
melanocephala nella Sardegna meridionale. Luca Biddau & Gianpaolo Ruzzante
Presenza invernale di Piviere tortolino Charadrius
morinellus in Sicilia. Andrea Corso & Carmelo Iapichino
Recenti avvistamenti/ Recent
records around the Region
aprile 2000 - maggio 2001 / April 2000 -
May 2001. A cura di Marcello Grussu
Progetti e Ricerche/ Projects and Researches
- La mortalità della Cicogna bianca durante la migrazione. O. Bibier & A. Aebischer/ Nos Oiseaux
- Gabbiani corallini con anelli colorati. Richiesta di collaborazione. Renaud Flamant
- Gabbiani corallini con anelli colorati. Richiesta di collaborazione. Renaud Flamant
Novità e commenti/ News and Comment
Recensioni/ Reviews
Foto di copertina/ Cover photograph: Picchio rosso maggiore Picoides m. harterti Arrigoni. Endemismo presente soltanto in
Sardegna. Monti dei Sette Fratelli, Sardegna, 1999./ The Sardinian endemic Harterti’s Great Spotted
Woodpecker is found in this Island only. Sette Fratelli Mts, 1999 (Roberto Meloni).
Purple Heron (Alberto Tidu) |
Marcello Grussu
Checklist of the birds of Sardinia. Updated to December 2001.
This checklist aims at providing anyone interested in
Sardinian ornithology with an up-to-date list of the species recorded on the
island up to the present time, together with their phenological status.The latest updated list of Sardinian birds was
published in the mid 90's (Grussu 1995b, 1996a). Subsequently, a series of
positive events stimulated research on Sardinian ornithology. In the spring of
1997, the setting up of the Gruppo Ornitologico Sardo made it possible to
co-ordinate most of the agencies engaged in this research which until then had
been divided among different work groups. Somemonths later the presentation of
over 30 papers on Sardinian avifauna during the 9 th Italian
Ornithological Conference (Alghero, 1997) and the publication of Aves Ichnusae, the first ornithological
magazine of Sardinia, highlighted the high standard reached by ornithology on
the island. In the same period, groups of birdwatchers (both from
Italy and abroad) visited the island more frequently, thus contributing to the
knowledge of Sardinian avifauna. All these elements made it possible, during the period
1995 - 2001, to provide precise information on the status of a great number of
species present on the island and to ascertain the presence of further
accidental species. After 6 years, I think it advisable to provide an
update of the checklist of the species recorded on the island up to now.(*GOS - C.P. 160/C - 09045 Quartu Sant'Elena/ Cagliari)
Luca Biddau & Gianpaolo Ruzzante
Biometry and moult pattern of the Sardinian Warbler in South Sardinia,
We studied moult
pattern and measurements of a population of Sardinian Warblers at Capo
Spartivento/Cagliari (Sardinia, Italy). A total of 315 birds were trapped and
measured, 150 during the post-breeding season and 165 during the overwintering
period. The birds overwintering are slihtly larger than the breeding ones. Sex
differences significant for wing during the breeding season. We found a
population showing a very short wing length and among the smaller known for the
Mediterranean areas; 50% of adults have a partial pre-breding moult and 22% of
Juvenes have a complete post-juvenile moult; 3 second year birds (n=106) have a
first pre-breeding moult replacing some wing feathers.(*GOS - C.P.
160/C - 09045 Quartu Sant'Elena/ Cagliari)
Andrea Corso* & Carmelo Iapichino
Winter records of
Dotterel in Sicily (Italy).
On December 20th
and 29th 1997 a 1st winter Dotterel has been observed at Capo Murro di Porco,
Siracusa (Southeast Sicily). The area is characterized by wide open uncultured
fields covered by low Mediterranean macchia and sparse rocks, being then a
perfect habitat for the species. These are the first recent winter records of
this species for Italy. Probably the bird observed was wintering in the area
and thus would be the first wintering for Italy. Wintering in Europe is
regularly reported only for Spain. This winter record is not so surprising
considering that the species is regularly encountered in winter in the near
Tunisia. Further, records of Dotterel are increasingly more common during
migration in both autumn and spring in Southeast Sicily.(*Via Camastra, 10 - 96100 Siracusa)
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